
7 Common Signs Of Cancer

With over 100 different types, cancer is a group of diseases that is one of the leading causes of death in the US and worldwide. While there many different types of cancers having a range of symptoms, most cancers don’t show symptoms in their early stages.

However, with early detection and treatment offering high chances of treatment and recovery from this debilitating disease, it is important to keep an eye out for any symptoms.

Here are the 7 most common signs of cancer:

Lumps and Growths in The Body

Cancer is caused due to the improper functioning of cellular DNA leading to the uncontrolled multiplication of cells. These usually result in the formation of tumors and growths in the parts of the body affected. In the case that you observe any lumps or growths in your abdomen, breasts, or skin that don’t subside or grow over time, it is best to consult your doctor.

Unexplained Weight Loss

As cancerous tumors develop in the body, they start diverting precious resources and energy from your organs which can lead to unexplained weight loss. While most people experience changes in their weight throughout their lives, a sudden, significant drop in weight, is usually the first sign of cancer.


One of the most common signs of cancer is fatigue or extreme tiredness which does not improve with rest. It is caused because cancer can result in nutrient imbalances, improper blood chemistry, or changes in hormone levels.


Frequent pain is a common sign of certain types of cancer affecting the region where the tumor is developing and pressing against nerves. It can be especially pronounced in the case of bone cancer.

Loss of Appetite

Loss of appetite often accompanies the development of cancer and can contribute to weight loss and malnutrition. This occurs as cancer in the body can affect its metabolism and how it turns food into energy.

Issues with Urination

Frequent urination, pain during urination, or an inability to urinate are common symptoms of bladder, prostate, and ovarian cancer, and can be caused due to a tumor in the region.

Bloody Discharges

Cancer can wreak havoc on the normal functioning of your body, and depending on the type, often results in the discharge of blood via the stools, mucus, or vaginal discharge. In the case of any bloody discharge, consult your doctor immediately.