

How To Spot Arthritis Early

Arthritis is a range of diseases having over 100 different types and is caused due to multiple reasons with a variety of accompanying symptoms. With the different types affecting the body in multiple ways, arthritis can be a painful chronic condition that can have a debilitating impact on your day to day life. Luckily, early diagnosis can help in developing a management plan that can…

Here Are Some Interesting Facts About Hemophilia

Hemophilia is an inherited genetic disorder in which the blood’s ability to clot is impaired and affects the ability of the body to stop bleeding. While some of the resulting complications can be benign, like increased bruising after an injury, others can be dangerous, such as internal bleeding inside the brain and joints. Read on To Discover a Few Interesting Facts About Hemophilia Bleeding: Bleeding…

Sleep Apnea Home Remedies That You Need To Try

Sleep apnea is a medical condition that causes you to stop breathing for short periods while asleep. This can result in an insufficient intake of oxygen and cause you to gasp and wake up often. While in most cases, people may be unaware that they have stopped breathing, believing that their sleep cycle is normal, sleep apnea can lead to several health complications including: Trigger…

What Is DVT?

Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a medical condition that affects approximately 1 in 1000 people at least once in their lifetime. DVT is characterized by the formation of a blood clot or thrombus in the major veins of the legs or arms which can impede normal blood flow. DVT can also result in pulmonary embolism (PE), a serious condition, in which a clot fragment…

COPD: Do’s And Don’ts

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be a debilitating disease. However, with a few simple lifestyle changes, it can be easily managed, allowing you to enjoy life. Here are a few important do’s and don’t for those having COPD Do’s Do maintain a healthy weight: Being in a healthy weight range goes a long way in improving the functioning of your lungs, heart, and organs…

7 Common Signs Of Cancer

With over 100 different types, cancer is a group of diseases that is one of the leading causes of death in the US and worldwide. While there many different types of cancers having a range of symptoms, most cancers don’t show symptoms in their early stages. However, with early detection and treatment offering high chances of treatment and recovery from this debilitating disease, it is…

How To Treat Scalp Psoriasis At Home

Psoriasis is a recurring autoimmune disorder that can affect the skin, nails, and joints causing red, itchy, scaly patches. Although incurable, there are many treatments available that can help ease the symptoms of psoriasis. Here are 10 ways in which you can treat psoriasis at home: Dietary Supplements According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, dietary supplements such as fish oil, Oregon grape, milk thistle, vitamin…

What Faith-Based Health Care Plans Cover

Faith-based health care plans are religious-oriented alternatives to standard health care. Health care sharing ministries offer plans that operate with exemption from the mandates of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Faith-based plans do not function as insurance policies, instead, operating as health care sharing among large groups of people. When one member falls ill or needs treatment for an injury, their contributions cover the expenses,…

Why Soda Is So Bad For Your Teeth

If you’re like up to half the American population, you’ve probably had a sugary drink today — and there’s a good chance it was soda. Consuming high-sugar soft drinks is most commonly associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and weight gain. Sodas can also have ill effects on your smile, potentially leading to cavities and visible tooth decay. Men are usually more likely to drink…

Understanding The Basics Of Medigap

Medicare is an extremely valuable healthcare resource for seniors. Medicare alone, however, does not cover all of the healthcare costs you’re likely to face later in life. Since unexpected medical expenses can lead to a lot of stress and financial strain, many seniors prefer to be prepared for what might happen. Descriptions of Medicare Supplement policies often contain terminology that can be confusing. Here’s a…