
COPD: Do’s And Don’ts

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be a debilitating disease. However, with a few simple lifestyle changes, it can be easily managed, allowing you to enjoy life.

Here are a few important do’s and don’t for those having COPD


  • Do maintain a healthy weight: Being in a healthy weight range goes a long way in improving the functioning of your lungs, heart, and organs and can boost your overall health. To achieve a healthy weight, consume a balanced diet that contains whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat protein, and avoid processed foods.
  • Do exercise regularly: Exercising regularly is essential for those with COPD as it helps boost your cardiovascular fitness, allowing you to better manage the disease. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise daily, and consult with your health care practitioner to find which type of exercise works best for you.
  • Do use a humidifier: Humidifiers work excellently to moisturize the air, preventing your bronchial tissue from becoming dehydrated, at the same time, loosening your mucus.
  • Do practice breathing exercises: Check with your health care team about breathing exercises and breathing control techniques that you can use to strengthen your lungs and in case you feel short of breath.


  • Don’t forget your inhaler: Always have your inhaler on your person at all times – you never know when you may need it.
  • Don’t stop treatment: Even in the case that you feel well and don’t feel the need for your medications, always consult your doctor before stopping them.
  • Don’t take cough medicine: For COPD patients, clearing excess mucus by coughing is crucial. Make sure to avoid cough medication which can cause mucus to build up and can make you more vulnerable to infections.
  • Don’t expose yourself to pollutants: Pollutants often cause irritations in your airways and lead to complications. Despite their rampant use, try to avoid them as best possible and skip products that come in a spray form such as cleaning sprays, perfumes, deodorants, air fresheners, etc. At the same time, when outside, make sure to minimize your exposure to pollutants like traffic fumes, fire smoke, chemical fumes, and secondhand tobacco smoke.
  • Don’t panic: In case you find yourself short of breath or feel that your heart is racing, it is crucial that you stay as calm as possible. Implement breathing exercises till the episode subsides, and if they happen regularly, consult your doctor.