
How To Spot Arthritis Early

Arthritis is a range of diseases having over 100 different types and is caused due to multiple reasons with a variety of accompanying symptoms. With the different types affecting the body in multiple ways, arthritis can be a painful chronic condition that can have a debilitating impact on your day to day life. Luckily, early diagnosis can help in developing a management plan that can help minimize discomfort as the condition progresses.

Here are a few important things to keep in mind to spot arthritis early:

Who Is at Risk?

Arthritis does not have a specific risk factor for developing the condition. Although it is more likely to occur in those over the age of 50 almost everyone can develop arthritis. Common factors that can increase the chances of having arthritis include:

  • Genetic background
  • Obesity
  • Age
  • Gender
  • A history of repetitive stress injuries.

How Do I Know It’s Arthritis?

A major difficulty in the early detection of arthritis is that its symptoms tend to be progressive rather than acute. With aches and pains developing gradually, it is crucial to maintain a diligent record of any ‘problem areas’. In the case that you notice any persistent swelling or tenderness in specific areas, especially around load-bearing joints, consult a physician immediately for early diagnosis. A few common symptoms of arthritis include:

  • A feeling of warmth in the joint.
  • Persistent tenderness in the region.
  • Joint pain and stiffness that does not improve.
  • A grating feeling on load-bearing joints.
  • Fatigue

When Should I Consult My Doctor?

In the case that you are not sure what the source of your discomfort or pain is, consult with your doctor at the earliest, especially in the case that you are over the age of 50.

A Natural Solution

If you or your loved ones are experiencing early symptoms of arthritis, topical creams and ointments are a common initial method of treatment and pain management. These include Proflexa®, a natural cream containing a specialized blend of active herbal ingredients, that is designed to relieve muscle and joint pain, swelling, and inflammation caused by arthritis. Proflexa® is a safe and viable alternative to non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs that may lead to complications including stomach bleeding, ulcers, and liver damage. It can also be used as an alternative to corticosteroids that depress immune function and may lead to osteoporosis.