
Safety Tips For Senior Travelers

After retirement, you tend to have more free time to travel and visit the places you always wanted to see. With the benefit of a lifetime of knowledge, your senior years allow you to make the most of your travel experiences. Yet, being safe and keeping your belongings secure while traveling is crucial to a successful trip. Here are a few tips to remember.

Buy Insurance

As you get older, you are at a higher risk of sickness and accidents resulting from falls. While medical expenses during traveling can be costly, having suitable travel insurance coverage in place can make a big difference.

Pack medication well

Medication is an essential part of most senior’s lives. In the event that your baggage is misplaced, having medicines in your carry-on and checked luggage is your safest bet. Keep in mind that some countries require a doctor’s prescription to allow you to bring in your medication. It is also advisable to carry a list of your medicines along with daily dosages when you travel.

Don’t attract attention

Seniors are known to carry cash while traveling, and this makes them attractive and easy targets for thieves and pickpockets. Stay off their radar by not carrying expensive electronics and not wearing flashy jewelry when out.

Keep your diet in mind

Seniors generally have dietary restrictions, and these often tend to be ignored while traveling. While local street cuisines may be tempting, watch out for spicy and heavily flavored foods that could affect your sensitive stomach. To make the most of your vacation, stay away from food prepared in unhygienic conditions, and carry your own water.

Keep your belongings safe

Hotel rooms are not always as safe as we expect them to be. Unscrupulous hotel staff and other residents have ways to gain access to your room and your belongings when you are out. Calling for housekeeping services is safer than advertising an unoccupied room with a ‘clean my room’ tag on your door. While in the room, using a safety latch or chain to secure the door can stop anyone from entering.

Now that you know how to keep yourself safe, you can focus on making the most of your time on holiday.