
The Ultimate Car Rental Checklist

Whether you want to rent a car to commute to work or for a one-off trip, rental cars offer many benefits. That said, to ensure you have good driving experience, it is important to do a thorough check of the car before you leave the car rental company. Here are a few things that you should go through:

Start the car

When you start the car, check if you hear any strange noises from the engine and look for warning signs on the dashboard. If you do notice anything out of the ordinary, make sure to immediately inform the car rental company.

Check the heat and air conditioning

It is important to check if the air conditioning and heat work as expected and if the temperature controls are working properly. If you notice any unpleasant odors being emitted, you can ask for a change of vehicle.

Check the glove compartment

Before you drive off with the car, check the glove compartment for the owner’s manual, registration card of the vehicle, and for the contact details of the car rental company.

Check the safety features

Make sure to check what safety features the car has and learn how to use them. You can also ask the car rental to show you how to work the different safety features if you are unsure.

Check the car’s exterior

If you notice any pre-existing damage, ensure that you document and photograph these damages. It’s also a good idea to check if the tires of the car show any signs of wear and if they are properly inflated. Detecting these things before you leave the car rental agency is best since you can either ask for a different vehicle or for them to fix the issues.

Make sure you are insured

If you have a traditional auto insurance policy, you should check whether the insurance covers rental cars. Your credit card may also cover rental car travel if you use it to pay for the transaction. If you don’t already have insurance, you will need to purchase rental car insurance.

When driving around in your rental car, it’s important to be familiar with its workings so you aren’t constantly fumbling with the settings. So, follow these tips to ensure a safe ride.